Today all plans for the day had to be rewritten as some problems emerged. However it did make me realize that generally things have been going very smoothly, so as long as things can be resolved I'll be back on track. Tomorrow I am going to Woking to Surrey County Arts who are being very kind and letting me send out some of my flyers with one of their mailings. On Friday and Saturday there are open days at St George's and I am running drop-in workshops in papermaking. If there aren't too many people I will be making some of the elements I need for a piece out in the landscape and if there are loads of visitors they will be helping me!


After the bank holiday on Monday, unfortunately today becomes admin day. Having one dedicated day of the week for admin is a very good idea, 'Thanks Bettina', but it is my least favourite day of the week. The weather always seems to be better and brilliant ideas about my work drift unasked into my head but have to be ignored until the next day when they don't seem so good! However, good things seem to be happening at present and order is being established over the events still to be finalized for the project.


Its so interesting to watch everyones projects developing and evolving on this site. You can't help but get involved with the stresses and elations and worries that emerge from the blogs.I felt a huge sense of relief that the video installation at Morning Lane went so well and I compare my church (St George's, in Esher) with the one that Imogen Bardwell's project, Festial, is set in. I would love to visit the projects in reality as well as through this site.
My own project is gearing up into a period of making work which I always find frightening as well as exciting. Its that balance between allowing possible disaster or being too controlling.