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After a difficult time in January, things have definitely picked up this month.

Unfortunately the course has crammed in almost back to back tutorials, crits and seminars the last few weeks which can be a bit frustrating when all you want to do is get on and make some work to be able to talk about it. However, make some work I have done. Taking the numbers a bit further by making a whole set – this time a bit more practically sized and made using a laser cutter. They have come out as quite beautiful objects, sharp and solid.

Originally thinking to put them in a domestic space, I decided to first create some sort of installation – pseudo domestic/mixed with a more intuitive feel for colour, shape and pattern.

Framing views by using the camera, in an attempt to show the more encompassed feeling gained from experiencing the work. It is a quick way to work, changing objects and views to rapidly see how things work together. This way of discarding and editing comes quite naturally and has an intuitive way about it – it also gives the work an essence of temporality, something not quite permanent although the individual objects themselves are quite solid.

Now a period of editing and planning for the next step.