What would life be like without these online spaces now? It is almost impossible for me to imagine. I’m definitely in agreement with Jonathan Moss in his latest post. It has opened up a whole world of communication and support that I’m sure has been a huge factor in helping me evolve my practice and feel in some way connected to something much bigger than just myself.

I was quite fascinated to look back on just a normal days browsing history and post it, just to see how it felt. The answer- quite uncomfortable really, almost like I’d exposed too much of myself. Even though I had actually taken some stuff out…like online banking, I still felt like I was doing something completely inappropriate. I wonder how revealing our online footprints are?

Anyway, yesterday I was busy in the studio again. That always feels like a much more healthy activity, in contrast to my job at the gallery when I have far too much time to ponder, yet no freedom to do.

I have been starting to work from these images that I collected and work them into a space. I’ve been using insulation tape to mask out the lines. It allows me to work rapidly, make changes, add to, take away and not be precious about it. I really enjoy this way of working. Continually moving from photo, to drawing, to wall, back into sketch book with notes and more sketches. Each time I move into a different medium there is the trace of the last move I made still in my mind. Things pop up, almost of their own accord. It almost feels like I’m shaking and shaking my thoughts around in my head until things rattle out.

Still, I’m not sure I have any clarity about where I’m going with it yet but I have some ideas I really am looking forward to trying out. I’m going to enjoy the inspiration while it’s with me and try to keep following the momentum. I’m sure there will be lots of time for the critical questions and analysis over the coming months. Now I just want to do do do.