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On Tuesday afternoon, I took down the installation at Chester Cathedral.

Really, it was a case of just putting them all in boxes, trying to keep colours together.  Still a back breaking job though.

I noticed that some were starting to come apart. It was probably partly caused by the damp in the cathedral and partly the glue that was used by some of the people who had made fish at home.

I suspect it was pritt stick or something similar. Its great of course for doing simple, clean workshops, but not good in the long run.

Also, a few fish were squashed , despite the barriers. I guess that’s young kids running into it.  No ones fault – we all know what kids are like and it can’t be helped.

Just means extra time needed for repairs when it moves on.

Yes, its going to one of the churches I ran a workshop at.  Much smaller obviously, and it’ll be going in front of the altar which means I’ll have to re think the design again.

Suggestions have been made for it to tour to larger places out of the area, but I’m really tied to my contract and have no say in what happens to it.

Next time though ……..  !!