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After the installation of the works, we all went out for an evening meal and a well deserved few glasses of wine.

New acquaintances.

We didn’t need to be back in the space til later the next day, so we used the time to find a funicular ( my other passion) and explore a little.  This being the third time Id been involved in Platforms  and Jackie & Alison’s 10 or 11th (!) we didn’t need to do the touristy things again.

Jackie Berridge in particular is very good at talking to people there and consequently ( Well, also her work is fabulous)  She was offered a solo  show at Enia Gallery next year, alongside fellow exhibitor Bella Easton.  This meant that she had to roll up her work and take it, along with the group work,  on the flight over.

I on the other hand,  took 3 small paper works in my bag as I could only take a backpack to keep the costs down.  Travelling overseas with work can be quite complicated, so it pays to be organised.

The Pv the first night was really busy.  We actually saw people queuing up to get in.  We all commented on this – it would never happen in the UK.  Usually you get your friends and family coming to see your work. Not complete strangers!

We were told later that 8,000 people visited the PV.

So yes, this was my chance to take a proper look at the work in our booth.  I didn’t recognise the names of the artists in Jackie’s , though looking them up afterwards, some were familiar.

Cynthia had several I knew and had even met. That was interesting considering she was from the East Midlands and I’m based in Wirral.  It also turns out that she , along with at least one of ‘her’ artists exhibited in Fronteers art fair in Chester last summer.  I had put one piece  in but couldn’t attend as I was away at the time.  We were so close to meeting each other then!

I didn’t at first recognise Rosalind’s name, but later realised how much she had written for A-N.  Plus, she published that excellent book  What they didn’t teach you at Art School  

That’s two near misses.

One of Rosalind’s artists was Kate Murdoch.  Kate, another blogger and social media friend.  Who’d have thought.

…..and that’s just the start of six degrees of separation  !
