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It’s been a busy week since I wrote my last blog.

The press releases have gone out to five different sites so far. These are the main ones here that reach the largest online presence : a-n events,  Art in Liverpool, Liverpool artists network, Eventbrite and Art Rabbit.  Hopefully people will read at least one of those.

After those had all been ticked off, I went on holiday.  Yes, I know its only a month since I went to Seville,  but I spend lots less on travel than I would on a studio space!

I went to Malta with a family member.  I saw several Caravaggio’s in the Cathedral there and listened to the audio talk on him.   ‘He  was always getting into fights’  . Ha ha that made me laugh.  Not the sort of thing I heard when I did Art History.

I briefly saw some of the Malta Biennale – the first time it had been staged there I believe .   What I did see were a lot of videos, which I’m not really a fan of.  We were only there for a few days, so didn’t want to spend the time traipsing from one site to another .   I wish there had been more outdoor stuff – that would have made it much more accessible.  But anyway, I’m glad that our trip coincided with the Biennale .

On my return to the UK, I checked the listings we’d made…. Yes, all had gone live.  We’ll do some follow ups in the next week or so.

Yesterday I went to the pop up exhibition space that convenience gallery had set up in Birkenhead.  I’d missed the opening  for  The town is the Gallery   as  I was away, so I was keen to see what they had achieved.

They had set up the space in an old M&S in town, which is a great idea.   It was quiet when I went, but I don’t know whether that was because it was morning or whether the general public were suspicious of the space. I’m used to going to gallery spaces on my own, but maybe the blacked out windows and not being able to see inside might be off-putting to others?

It is important to support other artists though – whether you go out to see their work or just to acknowledge what we have written on here.

I posted some of the images on my Instagram account and I think that alone has persuaded a few of my followers to pop in too.

Wendy Williams Instagram