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It’s a strange feeling when the doors close for the final time on an exhibition.
How should we feel ? Elated ? Sad ? Relieved ?  Was there a great sense of achievement ?

I have a few mixed feelings but really, It’s too soon to say.

The positives were that people did come to see it . Some travelled quite a way ( Thank you Elena !)  and some left it until the very last minute  ( going by the flurry of instagram stories at the end of the day)

We left a comments book and some people did bother to write something . That’s always good for evaluating the exhibition later.  Good comments were made too which is always encouraging.

Yesterday, an arts group came in to discuss the work. They go to a different venue every month, so it was good that out of all the exhibitions in Liverpool on at the moment, they chose ours to visit.

We actually had several curators visit, though maybe put that down to Sufea being super sociable and just knowing everyone!

Actually, writing it all down like this has suddenly made me realised how much more we’d achieved than in any of our previous exhibitions. Curators have NEVER visited before !

On the negative side , It was disappointing that we didn’t get any reviews . Am I expecting too much?

We always hope that something will come out of having an exhibition to make it all worth it.  We do know we will work together again. Maybe that’s enough .