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I can’t quite believe how relieved I was when I heard that my workshop at the gallery was cancelled. Well, more postponed than cancelled completely.
A strike had been planned for that day, but as it turned out , that too was cancelled as staff were encouraged to consider a new offer.
Anyway… it was all relief for me as I felt I was taking on too much in a short space of time.
I now have more time to prep for it, which is always a good thing.

Last week I also posted off my work to Leeds so that it could be taken to Sluice in a couple of weeks. I could have held on another week or so, but it was a good feeling getting that out and having a clean slate as it were.

Next on my list was the Open studios event happening on 8th and 9th June.  Despite having plans to make loads more work, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.  Although I’ve bought a card reader now ( which I’ve yet to set up)  I don’t have the mindset to make saleable work . It’s just not me .

Maybe I’ll have a last minute push on that , or maybe I won’t. I’m done now with stressing about things.



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