I've had a change of mind regarding the Doll Gallery.

I was planning to go to B&Q and find some mdf board to build it out of, but on SMArt (no, you're never too old) they were making puppets out of cardboard….. hence my son collected a whole pile of cardboard boxes whilst helping out at the shop around the corner.

So I have stolen some!! It saves a trip to B&Q, is free recycled card, and with a small amount of card engineering, the Doll Gallery is now taking shape!!!

Still lurking around Uni, I'm going to the Flying Start rally on Thursday, which will hopefully give me more useful business advice, again which I would not make if I was working in an office….

Then I'm off to London on Friday, mainly celebrity spotting and sightseeing, will take in a couple of galleries, but I don't want to bore the kids too much!!

I'm researching transport for an illustration competition brief on the AOI website.

Then next week is the first LAN meeting proper…… so, busy, busy, busy!!

I've also applied for a (PAID) internship with the SEAS project – fingers crossed I get that, it's right up my street!