Yesterday’s self promotion at Future Fest went well – it was a very last minute affair, however, it was nice to arrive at the Engine Shed and be able to exhibit there at no cost to myself – no travel costs, no accommodation costs (at least, no hotel costs, it doesn’t exclude rent), no entry fee, no one to reject my application – I simply asked the Events Team and they said YES. I was provided with a table and a board – ideally I’d have preferred to have borrowed something from Fine Art, but it was a plain white display board, so I wasn’t complaining.
I spent time setting everything up, and just as I was finishing, Jason Bradbury came across to have a look, and really liked the piece. He said he’d come back later in his full Back To The Future gear and give me a guided tour of his DeLorean, and we’d get some proper photos of him with the illustration. I had hoped to get some press exposure. If I’d had time in advance, I could’ve invited BBC Look North to come, but it was too last minute for that.
And the focus of the day was on Jason and his DeLorean.
Visitors were offered the opportunity to contribute their own ideas (and drawings) to add, these were few and far between. I had some interest, but mostly positive feedback for the illustration itself, especially from Jason himself, who said he likes my style – that’s really all the feedback I need!! I’d also guessed correctly that he saw Back To The Future at the Ritz cinema in the 1980s.

Of course, I went to see him talk about the DeLorean – all images are in this blog:


Today I am disappointed at having spent (wasted) time applying for UnLtd funding to set up the LAN as a social enterprise, for this to be unsuccessful.

I was advised that I need to research social enterprise – as far as I can tell, the LAN already fits that criteria. The project I wanted funding to run is a social arts project – it can’t get more social than organising an artist-led bike ride based on Yoko Ono’s participatory work.

I’m not prepared to jump through any more hoops, and will look into alternatives.

Instead, I’m focussing on my previous Jason Bradbury comic illustration, which will be exhibited as part of Future Fest at the Engine Shed at the University of Lincoln this coming Thursday 8th October.
