Viewing single post of blog Simulacrum: an Artists Residency

Well not much left to do on this project as the last day of the residency has passed.  Just a bit more blogging and finishing of some pieces in the Devices and Reportage series.  I can work on them at home now and return for more Simulacrum pieces and larger printmaking later when I have joined the new Waterfront Studios.

Time, I think for the big thank you to all those at The University of Suffolk.  Thanks to Lisa  Wade for arranging the residency and Robin Warnes for introducing me to the residency scheme.  Thanks to Jane Watts as contact and coordinator for the first semester and Vicky Cull for that role in the second semester.  Thanks to Vicky and Carol Gant for helping to bring shape to the residency exhibition.  Thanks to Carol and Glenn Toner for help hanging the exhibition and Neil for taking down.  And a special thanks to Glenn for technician help during the residency.

Painting is the next project for development and a sideline combination paint and print project is evolving also now. Perhaps that would be another residency somewhere?