Time slides. I feel it. Back and forth. I know that I’m the same person that I was before I almost died during a massive heart attack (yes that’s what the paramedic said to me in the back of the ambulance “Don’t worry Paul, you’re having a massive attack, just try and relax”) but something feels changed and I think it’s the way time moves or the way we move through it.

It seems to say ‘Welcome to The New Reality – come on in!’

Okay – let’s go!

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Continuing research and development in preparation for intervention workshops alongside Miffy Ryan with Taiwanese Art Interns in a wood near Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK. Again referencing Lygia Clark’s ‘Nostalgia do Corpo’ (Nostalgia of the Body). The nature of portraiture too rises behind my eyes. How do we want to be seen? To see ourselves? Combining with found objects, chosen objects, given objects we discover new elements of self in the doing perhaps more than in the finished image… and then.

This is a self portrait with medium freezer bag and it was made on July 12th 2022 between 9.30 and 10.00 am.


Still in the preparation stages with Miffy Ryan of The Lone Ones Collective for our exploration of plasticity/plastic in a wood with visiting Taiwanese Art Interns. I’m engaging with the work of Lygia Clark as part of the planning.. when one puts on plastic gloves for no practical reason it’s impossible to not interact with them in relation to oneself, one’s body, especially if there’s a mirror or a camera or both .. the feel of the plastic on your hands, against your face.. finding something inside your head too .. objects, materials held in relation to your body .. your mind .. yes .. Lygia’s ‘Nostalgia do Corpo’ (Nostalgia of the Body) is currently preoccupying and pushing me forward.

slowly unpacking
Barbie and Ken
the east wind

Paul Conneally
July 2022


Taking Stock : Loughborough
Paul Conneally
31st October 2020

Taking Stock is a series of works linked to and emerging from artist photographer Christopher Mear’s walk to work as a retail operative. Here I transpose his walk directions from starting at his home to starting from mine in Loughbohemia (some call it Lougborough). I follow the lefts, rights and straight aheads of his walk (distance doesn’t matter) until I reach ‘work’. I find my workplace marked with a stone. Here I take stock in whichever way feels appropriate. In this case I find myself at a confluence of paths at Loughborough’s urban edge. Some saplings have been planted. I take stock. There are ten.

Paul Conneally 31st October 2020

Taking Stock: A series of public interventions, works and thoughts by Paul Conneally – Christopher Mear – Katherine Stanley and others…


All I know is that this building feels sad. It sighs. Long sorrowful sighs that travel up and down the elevator shafts. The people who work here work hard long hours. They care. The building doesn’t seem to help. It’s constantly under repair or being added to. It feels like a building site where some of the work has been left for someone to come back and finish later.

I take the stairs, yes it’s good for my health but mainly I take them because the dilapidated and currently, seems like always, being updated suite of elevators is a nightmare. The stairs are cool, cold even and full of unseen footsteps. If you’re physically able I recommend them. Speak to people you meet on the way up and down. It’s impolite in Sheffield to not at least say hello to absolute strangers.

The coffee shop on Level D, through the main self-service serving area serves good coffee. They have a loyalty card. Buy nine drinks get one free. I’m thinking about cats and lives and wondering if I’ll still be visiting this hospital by my ninth life or for my tenth coffee.

climbing stairs
the lactic acid kicks in
on the fifth floor

Paul Conneally
December 2019