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News News feature

Liverpool Biennial 2018 review: “Don’t believe in separated worlds”

The tenth edition of the Liverpool Biennial has just opened with its theme ‘Beautiful world, where are you?’ offered as a chance to reflect upon global uncertainty and change. Bob Dickinson reports from the opening weekend when, amid news of Trump’s visit to the UK and the protracted Brexit negotiations, the notion of a world in social, political and economic turmoil seemed especially pertinent.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Rachel Maclean, Scotland + Venice artist

For her Venice Biennale film, Spite Your Face, Scottish artist Rachel Maclean has created a re-working of the Pinnocchio story that explores power, political lies and the rise of populism. Moira Jeffrey talks to her about the themes and form of the work.

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Liverpool Biennial 2010 Do Ho Suh
News News feature

Liverpool Biennial: Big, ambitious and of the city

Unlike many international art biennials, Liverpool Biennial has deep roots in its host city’s contemporary art scene. As the festival reaches an intriguing point in its 13-year history, with a new director and considerably reduced budget, we assess its importance to the city’s visual arts infrastructure.

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