I have finally taken possession of the caravan!! I am so excited, can’t actually believe I’m so excited over an algae covered 1960’s 2berth caravan but there you have it.

I’ll be spending the back end of this week with a jet washer.

It is very cute, bijou I believe the right word is and it’s a beautiful shape, curvy with lumps and bumps, I like that :)

I know I’m going to strip the inside clean but at the moment It has some lovely original features, as they say on Homes Under the Hammer.

A real gas lamp!!!

A lovely little glass cabinet, might try to salvage that.

The tiniest toilet cubicle, I think you could have only used it of you were 5’5″ on a bucket. They made this for small people, now bear in mind that my lovely husband who will doing most of the hard labour is 6’5″ and I myself am 5’10” this is going to be a challenge!

Did I say I was excited?


Well I didn’t get to pick up the caravan, too rainy….but hopefully this weekend.

I did go to the Butterfly Park (in my lunch hour) to meet with the Community College students and tell them a bit about the project before they went on a guided tour courtesy of Paul + Hilary whilst I hot footed it back to work.

I’ll arrange to go into the college post half term to do a presentation to them all.

They finish their course in May so it’s great timing for them and us to have work we can use at the opening on 8th.

Popped along to an area forum meeting this week covering the whole of New Ferry and Bromborough, there is some ’empty shop’ money available that I’m going to apply for, well…..someone’s got to get it and I think we could make a really positive space for local people to visit and become part of.

I’ve started the proposal, next meeting is tomorrow so I’m hoping to get to that. I’ve a Sicky kid at the moment though so if he’s not better by tomorrow that might put the kybosh on things.

Missed out on a project tutorial at Uni today as I had to look after him.

It’s so much harder being a student/worker and parent sometimes.

Wouldn’t swap it mind :)


I’ve had a great week. Been contacted by Liverpool Community College, their tourism course are interested in re-designing some of our Butterfly Park paraphernalia. leaflets, guides etc so it looks like I will be working with them a lot in the coming months which is great.

A local secondary school is arranging a site visit in May with some year 9 students to make land art sculptures and to help them decide whether to choose Art as one of their ‘options’, oh how I remember that age, it felt like such a huge decision way back then.

Also the (very) local Primary school are on board, had a really productive meeting there this morning and have set up some workshops, a site visit and an assembly (eek). The headmistress is very keen and was blown away by the plans for the park, though I have offered to do all the workshops for free she’s given me details of a small grant we can jointly apply for to maybe pay for all the materials and even my time, which would be amazing.

Most Excited as I’m picking up the caravan this week (Thanks Julie ) and can spend time taking it apart this weekend.