Mapping is actually harder than I first thought and yet very therapeutic.

Mind map first, working out what I’ve done, where I did it, who helped, who’s linked to who etc etc.

It actually does help to clarify things and then as it was just boxes + lines I just had to do another one that looked pleasing to the eye. I mean, what’s the point of a mind map if you don’t like to look at it.

That done I’m now wondering whether to go further and actually colour it in, or am I just getting carried away now?

The map we have of the park now is VERY basic to say the least, I mean it does it’s job – its a map but again, not exactly pleasing to look at. However the team seem to think it’s ok and who am I to argue, it’s their park after all but I needed to do a new map for me, even if no-one else ever uses it and so I did and then as it’s just for me why not go all out and make it co-ordinate with new all singing all dancing mindmap and so that’s exactly what I did.

It’s even in scale, are you impressed?

I spent 2 days pacing out each bit of the park and re-checking. 1cm to 10 paces – that’s a scale of sorts…right?

I couldn’t quite fit on every type of insects, birds or plants we have on site, there are way too many but I managed to get a fair few of the favourites in at least.