these are the original images i was working from printed as paper lithography with the idea of using in layers of prints and printed onto metal.


so i’ve been experimenting with etching very thin metal, an old aluminium Litho plate that i tried to etch using ink from a gum arabic transfer as the resist and etched in copper sulphate- not the most successful it definately etched but not particularly around the image although it wasn’t the best image really.

I also tried the copper foil with a gum arabic print again and it took about an hour but etched really nicely i think i’m going to do some more small pieces like this. It is going to be practical i think when trying to etch a large piece as i should be able to fold it carefully into the tank although i think creasing is going to be an issue.


i can’t believe it is only three weeks till the end of term, we are spending four days with small groups of pupils in the last week making sculptures for what is going to be a sculpture park in the school grounds. The plan is to make a large wicker dragon and also small flowers made from aluminium sheeting and copper mesh, i think it’ll be really fun. i have also offered to make a sculpture for the park incorporating themes of my work and an environmental theme as the plan is to power it with a solar panel.

My idea is a 5’/6′ high sculpture made of copper foil that i have etched with drawings backed onto a tougher metal and sculpted. i am hoping the copper foil will etch through in areas and the metal it is backed with will shine through. The image i have in mind is of tree roots pushing up a concrete pavement in an urban environment, giving the impression of nature reclaiming its environment and reminding the viewer of the power it has.

I have also thought about asking the kids what their thoughts on the environment are and maybe getting them to write it down and incorporating that in the piece somehow.

This is all very ambitious and so far have ordered copper foil and only just had a chance to test if it etches well or not which it does but now i need a large amount and the only stuff i can find is from abroad, not great for an environment themed piece of work!

oh and the other thing is the solar panel idea- i want to run water over the thing so the pump would be powered by the panel and the water would corrode the copper over time adding to the message of the power nature has to break down materials. it would also give the piece a very elemental theme, water, metal, earth (trees) etc. and the copper would go beautiful colours and give the sculpture a feeling of it living.


i have been experimenting lately with making drypoints using drypoint plastic and placing it over an image and sketching the image. i’ve had some nice results and they’re really fun to do as they’re really quick and make nice potential layers for a more in depth print. practical as well given the size of the press i am working with, i don’t normally like working small but i am enjoying making these and can see the potential in making loads of quick drawings and seeing where it leads..


Over half term i spent time preparing a structure i have built to be used as a temporary community gallery and workshop space. The structure is to tour outdoor events around north wales over the summer the first being Botanical beats a fundraiser for Treborth botanic garden, bangor. The event happened on sunday 5th june and was a great success, i spent the day running a drop in drawing and monoprinting session which mainly attracted children although there were quite a few enthusiastic adults, there was some really brilliant work produced. it was a bit of a pilot session so i wasn’t worrying too much about money but i think i should definately ask for donations next time.