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Today I am preparing for next week's work at a school. I am wishing I had asked for funding for another artist to help with this aspect of the project. I suppose I had never thought that it would be seized upon so eagerly by schools when I was making the applications. Still the teachers seem very involved and I'm sure everything will go well. I like to get the organisation and logistics very well organised so that I can concentrate on the creative side of things when it comes to it. Yesterday when I met the staff again to discuss arrangements for the week we looked at images to use as starting points, things like leaves and seed pods to examine structure.
For the rest of the day I am going to work on papermaking. I am making a 'book' over the course of the year. One page for each day of the residency and I need to prepare some more paper. On Friday a friend, Noel is coming over to the studio at St George's Church to show me some bookbinding techniques. A skill I never thought I would need. This year I seem to be learning new skills every week!