Viewing single post of blog Papertrails Residency

I have been very bogged down in sorting out the printing of invitations for the concluding exhibitions for the residency. As always I wish that just when one needs to get on with finishing off work (ie artwork) one didn’t have to instead concentrate on press releases and postcards. However the images and text are all sorted out and will be with the printers on Monday and they assure me that they can get it done before Christmas. Looking at some of the other blogs there seems to be heartening news. The ‘tripe installation’ in France which looked as if everything was going wrong looks delicately spectacular, the two studio groups have just had or or are soon going to have exhibitions which prove the merit of their endeavours. And ‘Festial’ as always, just made it’s deadline so I am hoping that a bit of this positiveness goes my way too!

It occurs to me that in our different experiences we are all learning so much during the course of our projects. it would be good to sit down with some of the other bloggers and compare notes. Perhaps my next project should be just that.