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I am very happy to report I have made a sale today – to an American chap no less. To say I am over the moon is an understatement. I promise that I am not gloating about my modest transaction – just ecstatically happy about it. A strange thought to think that a piece of my work is going to be crossing the Atlantic tomorrow.

As some of you may know I work full time and have a busy home life, I practice my craft as much as is possible at this point within my life and to receive a small showing of validation is incredible…it has given me a glimpse of what I desire as a life choice, what I work for in the evenings and at weekends, or stealing sketchbook time whilst in stationary/ standstill traffic (I don’t condone anything other than safe driving) or why I write this blog sometimes at stupid o’clock at night as have ran out of time. The desire to be an artist, to create, to think, to explore…I need say no more.

To some this is a small event, an everyday event – but for me it is a game changer, it has further solidified my resolve and hardened my ambition.