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i settle down to make a review of my janaury 2018, florence has taken to eric’s chair – i think she realises that once the laptop comes out in the morning we’ll not be going out for our walk for sometime.  i’m looking forward to getting out into the crisp light blue sky with tuned down sunshine.

the highlight of the month for me has been leading three #richardlong based activities at the museum and art gallery in derby.

[note to a-n technical – the embed feature isn;t working right now.  i’ll send a technical ticket later]


we’ve made two out of doors and one inside the museum.

for me its been a period of quite hard work – in terms of the amount of preparations, i’ve certainly done many times more the three hours of paid planning time for the three sessions.

all the sessions went well with the feedback across the board of enjoyment, thought provokation and even how therapeutic its been.

i’ve shown myself what i’m capable of when put into a situation to do so.

having watched the rhod gilbert programme about shyness i can now recognise in myself how my own shyness affects me when going into new situations.  i am going to try and manage this a little better in the coming months as a result.



the gravel art workshop was a slow activity, very mindful.  the way i planned it with a group activity going onto individual working was a success.  it further backs up my preparations for the work needed for the steam programme at the museum of making.



the art and photo walk – a sunday morning for an hour and a half gave participants the scope to respond in the manner in which they felt most inclined to do.  we’d love to run this activity again.



the word walk – part of national storey telling week.  a walk of about an hour followed by a look at the exhibition with the curator and workshop where we made our own word works.

this january has been a very special month and one likely to be a stand out month in years to come.  the new years bells had barely cooled down and i was into working and delivering.  this has been a really good thing for me as it’s kept my spirit and mental health on the positive side of the line.  i recognise how the activities tied to the exhibition are likely to be unique and i have worked at making sure i enjoy them and get the most out of them – the resonance with me being strong.

i’ve also been playing.








i’ll be open with you.  this month has been so good i have been concerned that the months that follow might not come to the same level.

to manage this i accept that the level of this month will be achieved through other paths / routes and ideas.

i anticipate the experience of the richard long exhibition to play out in the coming months, along with activities that have been in discussion during january.


its feeling good.


the sun is out – time to wake the dog up ….