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Our exhibition went well in the end. We received a lot of positive feedback for our work, we inspired a few freshers coming to study in Lincoln, and I feel a sense of achievement now.

The best part was collaborating with Alice Lynch, who I contacted after I saw her blog on Artist’s Talking, and enabling her to exhibit work in Lincoln, which she appreciated. Stamford is a lovely town, I studied there for my A-levels in the days when Jamiroquai was thrown out of Oakham school… but the art scene there lacks a contemporary edge.

The gallery is relatively low cost compared to others, and artists are guaranteed an exhibition, as opposed to all the open submissions, where everyone pays a tenner but with no guarantee your work will be “chosen”. So I’m now going to focus on achieving funding for the group, whilst developing new projects.

My initial inquiries about Johnson Hospital are proving fruitful, so it’s starting to look as though that is a project worth pursuing further.

I received an email from the agent for the “owners” of the building (I use that term loosely ;-) ) interested in my proposal, so my next step will be to get in touch with him, and find out what we can do.

I’m in discussion with Apparatjik’s manager about collaborating with them, which will probably happen in 2013 now, and this requires funding.

I also hope to go to Oslo again some time soon.

Yesterday I wanted to take down work at the gallery, then spend the rest of the day relaxing. But the kids are being demanding, and a mirror was broken. The mirror is in my studio, so it gave me an idea for a new piece of Borges inspired sculpture.