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The Pecha Kucha event went well, I’ve developed a cold over the past week, and have mostly been feeling rubbish, so I’ve had a couple of days at home doing some promo for the exhibition, and organising things ready for today.

It was the first Pecha Kucha evening in Lincoln at The Collection, an opportunity to share your practice, or things that influence your work, projects you’re working on, etc. So I wanted to share my recent collaborations with Apparatjik, and I managed to speak coherently enough, without the cold ruining things for me. There weren’t very many people in attendance, but let’s hope the next one is better attended.

I also had hoped to do a bit of promotion for the Mail Art exhibition, but it was enough to speak about Apparatjik as it was.

Next time I plan to do another one, about my own work, and the LAN.

I held a private view today, but I didn’t see a single soul all afternoon. The empty shop space is in a good location near the train station, and bus station, and there was interest from passers by, and buses would stop just outside on the way to the bus station, so people would see the work in the window at least. I hope this will develop interest as more projects happen there in time, and will attract people to come in and see the work.

Feedback so far is that a lot of work has gone into it, not least the fact that I’ve curated it all on my own – I’ve had no help from anyone for this, other than Marie Louise Plum for offering the opportunity, and Anne-Marie Stejila, who sent the work to me. Really hoping more people will come and see it, and get involved.
