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Since I last wrote in here, I’ve been struggling to get anything done at all, although I’m still trying, it feels as though I’m just banging my head against a brick wall.


I recently undertook British Cycling Skyride Leader training, so that I will be paid to ride my bike! Probably more than anyone pays me for my art work.

I have a cycle art event that I’m currently looking for funding to do at some point.

I eventually made it to speak to the curator at Ayscoughfee Hall, so I’m putting together a proposal for a project I’m working on for that, which we hope to exhibit there for 2015.

In the mean time, I’m glad the Paying Artists campaign is now making headway.

As much as I appreciate all the efforts being made to challenge galleries and arts organisations that do not pay artists to exhibit or produce work, I’m still anxious about how we can ensure that we are appropriately paid.

Only recently, I attended a lecture, and once again, comments were made “when I was on the dole I made my best work”. Imagine how much better that work would’ve been if they’d been properly paid!!

Excuses are made: “no one is giving out any funding until the new financial year, or waiting for the election”. Which implies that there are people sitting on top of pots of money like Scrooge or Smaug. Money that could pay off my overdraft / wages.

Already, half term is coming up as I’ve been putting together proposals.

Fingers crossed something positive happens financially and creatively sometime soon!