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Today I read that props from the Monty Python musical Spamalot were auctioned on Ebay. Including a "lovingly recreated" model of Damien Hirst's Mother And Child Divided, so off I went to have a look- just check Ebay La Vache (aka The Cow) from Monty Python's Spamalot and you should find it.

Whilst on Ebay I saw a doll, and it turned out to be a Sindy doll.

I used to have a lot of Sindy dolls as a girl in the 1980s (showing my age!), I had a massive doll's house, which I then realised needed constant dusting. This I realised was ridiculous – I would have enough dusting and housework to do when I grew up, why would I want to waste my time dusting a fake house just because my Sindy doll was not actually capable of doing it – I had to do it for her!

I quickly realised what an evil form of voodoo dolls were, and said doll's house became a bookcase instead – it was big enough and sturdy enough, but it got sent for jumble a long time ago.

As research, I decided to look it up, and found it – again, got to ebay and search for 1980s Sindy house. My original one was sent for jumble a long time ago! Incidentally, Mum also sold her clock at a car boot sale once, and I spotted the exact one on Dot Cotton's mantlepiece in Eastenders! It must have been bought by the BBC props dept!

Damn me for sending it to the jumble!! I could do with having it and painting it white now!!