Viewing single post of blog Sleep-drunk I dance

Well, you have surprised me! Not only no. 1, but leading by a country-mile! Not bad for someone who may run out of steps before she gets to the garden. Thank you.

Can’t quite wrap my head around the score. I had no idea that my need to deeply engage with The Beginning of History, to explore and process the relationships between the pieces, was of such interest to you. In fact I kept wondering how I could pull people in, how to make the show come alive for you who hadn’t seen it. And now this. The relative distance between my worriful fantasies (what I’m doing just isn’t good enough) and ‘this’ is so big that it seems non-sensical, but the thing is that I came back from G. to find the comments box empty. Well, now all I can do is bow to your very good judgement and say thank you thank you thank you. And please keep coming back, and maybe even leave a wee word or two while you’re at it.