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Alongside photography and video I work with weave.

My sculptural work ‘X-Ray’ series (2009-ongoing), which tests how far I can push weave against its own conventions, exposes its vertical warp, which is usually hidden. I have developed my own weave technique to reveal and manipulate the warp structure, and the result is a unique translucent material.

Having developed my weavings from their original state into sculptures, I install them to interact with light. In my installations I investigate materiality and time, for example the way a weaving is visually transformed and mistaken for glass or ice. This happens through a performance with sunlight: as light enters space at a specific time of the day it gradually illuminates and transforms the woven medium, brings on a momentarily spectacle, before abandoning it until the following day.

To capture these visual aspects of my sculptural work I document it in photography, and now film. Before the a-n Bursary, I always had to explain how this gradual change happens using photos and words. Now, having used the funding to undertake a course in editing I can refine my footage and play a film in the future, showing the visual effects of the work without words. This new skill also enables me to make films for other projects and concepts; as you’ve perhaps already seen it those of structures found on train journeys or objects.

The stills here are of a video in progress, showing the illumination and change brought on by the fading in and out sunlight; it can be viewed on my Instagram @rita_parniczky Please view and follow for more.