All of the aspects for the design come from the workshops. Lots of the participants draw three circles in the middle to represent them selves, baby and partner. They’re in red to represent a strong love. Around the centre are eight other circles. Eight is the average amount of circles drawn by the participants. The orange circles show family members, maybe parents or grandparents, the participants closes support who they felt really connected to. In the blue is a friend, lots of participants included a best friend or a sibling. Moving outwards their are friends and family who are further away and hard to connect with. These were work friends, uni friends  and family abroad. These circles aren’t connected as reaching them felt impossible during Covid. All of the circles have circles engraved onto them. A lot of the participants did line drawings of circles onto their main circles, these show people within that group. The orange could be their mum or dad and the yellow all of their work colleagues, everyone grouped together. The colours have come from the drawings. Every in the design has been indeed from the workshops.

The circles for the final installation will be cut out from Florence Perspex. I’ll light the installation with a UV light. I’ve been having fun today trying the perspex with the small UV light that I have in the studio.

To create the final design I’ve been experimenting with gradients in Illustrator.