The Scottish Contemporary Art Network (SCAN) and Federation of Scottish Theatre (FST) are carrying out a survey to explore the impact of Brexit on the arts sector in Scotland.

The newly published online poll follows a previous survey issued last October which was completed by 350 culture sector workers in Scotland.

The original survey revealed that more than one in four artists and art workers may leave Scotland because of Brexit. This figure was almost twice as high among foreign Scotland-based artists from across all art forms.

Other findings from the 2018 survey included that over half of all the respondents regularly work outside of the UK, with nearly a third of total income coming from non-UK sources.

More than half (57%) said that Brexit has already had a negative impact on their work. Nine out of 10 said they expected Brexit to have a negative impact on the arts sector in Scotland in the future.

It also found that 26% of the respondents were considering or planning to leave Scotland and the UK after Brexit.

At the time of the last survey, the UK was expected to leave the European Union on 29 March.

With the new 31 October deadline edging closer, and the possibility of a no-deal Brexit under prime minister Boris Johnson, SCAN and the FST said they want to “re-take the temperature of the sector, and to feed back any new information to the Scottish and UK governments”.

The questions in the newly issued survey are largely the same as those asked in 2018. This, explain the organisers, is in order to “benchmark results to properly show any changes”.

There are also some additional questions relating to information on Brexit, while at the end of the survey there is space to share any thoughts on the impact the ongoing uncertainty around Brexit has on your work.

The survey, which is expected to take between five to 10 minutes to complete, is completely anonymous and does not ask for your name, workplace or contact details.

To take part in the survey, which is open until Monday 26 August 2019, visit

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