Ash: A Celebration and a Lament
This exhibition features work from Grassington-based artists Robert Keep and Mark Butler that explores the prominence of ash trees in the Yorkshire Dales and the devastating impact ash dieback is having and will continue to have on the landscape. Butler uses gunpowder to create holes in maps of the Dales created by rust printing and ink drawing. These holes mark the locations of ash trees, giving a strong sense of loss that these majestic trees will leave behind after the full effect of ash dieback is felt. Meanwhile, trees have been a recurring subject in Keep’s work over many years, from windswept hawthorn to majestic oaks and apple orchards. His work includes pencil, charcoal, ink and painting.
7 February – 29 February, Mill Bridge Gallery, Skipton, BD23 1NJ

‘Supernature’ includes the work of four painters who consider the personal and political aspects of humanity’s relationship with the natural world. Susan Absolon’s painting reflects on mortality, personal loss, the environment and patriarchal power, whilst Joe Packer’s work collectively reference places  around where he grew up. Paula MacArthur’s recent works explore the geometry and imperfections in natural forms, while Paul Smith documents his interest in the lost and the found, what is passing out of memory and what is synthesised as trace in the landscape.
Until 28 February, Rye Creative Centre, New Road, Rye, East Sussex TN31 7LS

the RULES exhibition
Douglas Adam Karson works within a specific set of arbitrary rules that relate to the human condition and our perception. This exhibition highlights how endless variations can blossom when working within constraints, and features painting and a mix of built objects. Often angular but sometimes figurative, these works are a new take on a familiar theme.
Until 20 February, Rawspace, 111 Gloucester Road, Bristol

The Drawing Show
This exhibition features work by 15 different artists whose practice focuses on drawing. Curated by Colette Lilley, artists include: Bryan Biggs, Chris Oliver, Colette Lilley, Daily Sketcher, Emma Worth, Helen Davis, Jason Thompson, Jon Barraclough, Jon Edgley, Liz Atkin, Lucy Archer, Mike Carney, Penny Davenport, Sarah Jane Richards, and Silvia Battista.
Until 15 February, The Bridewell Studios and Gallery, 101 Prescot Street, Liverpool, L7 8UL

1. Mark Butler, Barden Bridge.
2. Supernature.
3. the RULES exhibition.
4. The Drawing Show.

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