Brexit - Page 3 of 5 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

4. The cure for anything is salt water

Another thing about Norway is that, with a population of ‘only’ around 5.3 million, everyone is more likely to know everyone else. It turns out that Helen from Tenthaus knows sound artist Jana Winderen, whose work at SALT I had […]

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Blog Post

2. The Norway Model

The flight to Oslo is overcast. Through the fog I see fingers of rock fondling the sea but nothing else. I think I have the wrong ticket for the bus to town, but this seems no barrier to the bus-drivers […]

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Blog Post

digesting politics in margate

  digesting politics brunch at Resort Studios Margate, 23/7/2017 “Is this the MP?” – “Yes” – “Let’s go and ask him about the Youth Centre.” “Hello, would you like to have a name tag?” “Have you counted how many we […]

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Blog Arts organiser

digesting politics

this is a blog run by the keep it complex collective to document our a-n bursary funded DIGESTING POLITICS series

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Resource Research paper

One Year On Brexit Survey July 2017: Headlines

Following on from a survey in July 2016 just after the EU referendum, we surveyed our members again one year on to continue to assess the ongoing impact of Brexit. Based on c1,200 survey responses, key headlines are summarised in this briefing paper.

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Research Working practice

Creative freelancers

Based on a survey of 700 creative freelancers and 50 businesses, report sets out policy recommendations to improve the working lives of creative freelancers.

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Rachel Maclean, Scotland + Venice artist

For her Venice Biennale film, Spite Your Face, Scottish artist Rachel Maclean has created a re-working of the Pinnocchio story that explores power, political lies and the rise of populism. Moira Jeffrey talks to her about the themes and form of the work.

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