Collage - Page 8 of 10 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Word Wrangling
When beginning a new series with a pre-defined focus, I collate relevant words and phrases on posits for the eye to drift over and pick out effective and surprising connections from which poetry can grow. Selected words are gathered in […]
Diagram Poems
Initiated as a means to share my process whilst working on a new collection of diagram poems for a POST Artists exhibition at Whitstable in June 2016, this blog continues to grow as a library of diagram poems, including individual works and thematically linked collections.
Play; persist; make…
Making new work is never easy. Fight the desire to abandon it as a failure. Instead, empty my mind of fixed expectations and play freely with form and materials. Hold my nerve. Persist until something happens. Pin the results on […]
‘Works from the Landscape’ by Tony Wild
Gainsborough [art]works -
April 20, 2016 -
May 07, 2016 -
West Midlands
Collage making
Still shots from ‘In search of the unreal n.01’ Fold, bend, cut Draw a line Overlay, conceal, reveal, interrupt, disrupt The shifting, uncertain image This is the litany to run through my mind whilst I make the series of new […]
Experiments in collage
In my new filmic collage the one piece of footage exciting me most shows shots of London through a passing train; flickering images, inside then out, a strobing billboard, flashes of colour, light and shade. It creates its own inherent […]
The excitement in my film…
In terms of my new film, the single piece of the footage that excites me most is about shots of London glimpsed through a passing train. It creates flickering images – inside then out – a strobing billboard and flashes […]
Disruption, subversion & control
How does the new film I’ve just finished connect to my other work of collaged women’s faces? Both are about fracture and disruption – shaking things up to allow space for a hint of the ‘Other’ to seep through – […]
Finishing the film & honest writing
My new film is finally finished! An opportunity swiftly followed that would allow the work to be developed further so I spent most of last week working on the application. The first thing to tackle was the context – what […]
Another collage
Another collage using discarded pieces of work, ghost prints and tracings, cut up or torn and re-ordered. The fragments are parts of a disjunctive narrative, brought together in a way that “feels right”.
I saw the whole of the moon
These three early doodles are the beginning of the Moon series. I’ve always been in awe of the moon, more than the sun, and I feel her power, I have been researching and studing her magnificence since September 2015 and […]

Rebuilding Manchester – A 240sqm Sculptural Photo Collage
Manchester Renaissance Hotel -
March 18, 2016 -
March 20, 2016 -
North West England
Untitled blog post from "The Cultural Tourist"
It’s been a while since I wrote my last blog – December and January seemed to pass me by. It got me a thinking about 2015 and what I felt I learnt and achieved in respect to my art practice. […]
New work
For some reason I am using a lot more colour! I am continuing to explore printed mark-making and taking some of those experiments into collage work, bringing together various materials, much of it recuperated from discarded pieces of work, ghost prints and […]
The tiniest moment can spark a solution…
I’ve been trying to make a revised version of my film since the New Year using new footage shot, but with no success. On the point of abandoning the project as a lost cause, three ideas suddenly free things up. […]
Untitled blog post from "Project Me"
At last the studio is feeling like somewhere that I can work It has taken longer than I expected and it is not yet totally as I want it, it is however much much better and well on the way […]
Are We There Yet? Mapping the Labyrinth
Lighthouse - Poole's Centre for the Arts -
November 18, 2015 -
December 05, 2015 -
South West England
For the last umpteen months I have been collaging and transferring my photographs onto found materials. I suspect I will continue with this aspect of my work if and when I come across suitable and interesting materials to work upon. […]

Making Waves: Debut show for new gallery space
Walthamstow Village Window Gallery -
October 10, 2015 -
November 01, 2015 -
Time can be a funny thing. When you are not looking, it just slips by as if nothing, yet it can be such an important factor in the creating and making of things. I have been working on quite a […]
‘A project space called ‘I’
A first London show by Artist-curator Jane Boyer.
Untitled blog post from "So don’t rely on the starry skies"
My work is process-based, and often reflects my interest in primordial structures – I am driven when spontaneous actions form, beauty in chaos, order in chaos. The work draws on the tools used for capturing such as the telescope […]
So don’t rely on the starry skies
New work inspired by twisted patterns of light from the early universe
Week 102: 25th – 31st August
Historical inquiry relies on the archive for its material in order to build narratives and explore connections between events. “The origin of the word ‘archive’… stems from the Greek and Latin words for ‘town hall, ruling office’, which, in turn, […]