Viewing single post of blog A-N Artist Bursary – The Weight of Bronze

I have resisted bronze until now, worrying about the weight of history it carries and the fact it is so often overused – an automatic ‘go-to’ to add perceived value, whether or not the material is appropriate or needed.  But last year, in the midst of political upheaval and threatened identity, I felt the need to make a series of handheld objects to hold on to and they needed to be heavy.  I made them in clay and cast them in various materials such as plaster and concrete, but none gave me the feeling of dead weight I was looking for.  And so, finally, to bronze.  Over the years I have visited foundries, been walked through the process, discussed  and even judged bronze awards, always looking for artists who will bring a new perspective.  But as with all these things, it is never the same as doing it yourself, and the A-N Artist bursary has given me a fantastic opportunity to consider where this laden material might fit within my practice.