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A friend from London arrives today. She's coming by overnight train and will arrive at 8:30 am. My plan is to take her on a bicycle tour of Berlin too, but this time with a regular city tour that Tom guides so that she gets orientated. What is the weather going to do? After I had sent her the directions how to get from the Hauptbahnhof station by the S-bahn to Alexanderplatz she texted me that her guide book said that she would be arriving at Ostbahnhof, which threw me, and I had to stop and laboriously text her, (I'm crap at texting), that she definitely was not etc. until finally the penny dropped-she had a very old guide book. My goodness why didn't she look at her ticket? Guide Book perils are something to add to the list of travelling warnings. Soon I'm either going to be fit or dead. Especially since I felt I had to do some housekeeping today, (steps back in amazement), and cleaned the floor in the anteroom which will be the guest bedroom for her. Even Tom from the office was amazed when he passed by. Now it looks quite cosy but how comfortable that inflatable bed really is, I'm not sure.