too many things happening to go into now, but here's a sample off the top of my head;

had a site visit in Room 315 at The Grand Hotel – originally planned for two days, but had to fit everything into one day and work into the night.

had a minor altercation with the Activities Officer, who hadn't been told about the project.

going in circles with ideas about what to do with the bathroom. It's a totally different configuration from what I'd imagined it might be, and I'm unsure what to do.

one of the solutions I tried, involved lying in a sparkly dress in a bath full of clear balloons filled with water. I am verging on being phobic of balloons at the best of times. I was clearly becoming overtired and a little deranged.

tested a video projection in the window of the room, visible from the road – made some decisions based on the things that look best, but now re-evaluating those decisions in terms of semiotics.

tested 5 short films of close-up details of my face, which will play on a loop on tiny screens embedded in the bed covers – initial feedback from friends is that they look quite rude…

complicated conversation with hotel receptionist – I want them to sell me an old worn out hotel bed cover. The concept of someone wanting an old bed cover is too difficult for them to understand.

had a weepy moment watching older people dancing in the ballroom.

got a new polaroid camera and film – loving the results

the usual argy bargy at home when I want more help with washing and tidying – he doesn't want to prioritise it because we are busy. I want him to prioritise it because I am busy. This feels like an enormous issue.

went for an interview for a freelance post to run some training but my mind and body were both elsewhere (my mind on my art, my body suddenly chose the beginning of the interview to to menstruate unexpectedly). Don't think I got the job.


I can't believe the pace of things at the moment. I realised just how warped my perception of time had got when I had a huge row with partner about things I thought he should have done a week ago and still hadn't done. I got all dramatic, and threw in a few 'you don't appreciate my suffering' comments (always a bit embarassing in the long run). Anyway, it turned out, I'd only asked him to do the 'things' the night before, not a week as I'd imagined.

The implication being that I've crammed a weeks worth of thinking and doing into my head in 24 hours. No wonder I'm susceptible to a bit of 'martyrdom indulgence' which allegedly is one of my favoured guises.

As for 'What the Chamber Maid Saw', I'm loving and hating the whole experience of bringing this project to life. Life and art are blurred, as I explore the motivation and character of the hotel guest and try to hold my domestic life in some sort of order.

I'm working with a really great artist, Lucy Barker, which has taken a lot of pressure off. She was originally teaching me video editing, but it became quickly apparent that I really need someone to edit my films for me this time. She really seems to 'get' what I'm doing so maybe we'll collaborate again.

Anyway, today's task is to reshoot and edit some footage for the hotel bed – more info soon.


I'm really enjoying a week of wallowing in art ideas and making. I've moved up a gear now towards making 'What the Chamber Maid Saw' for the Grand Hotel in Scarborough. It's an amazing building, '‘Originally constructed in 1863, it was one of Europe's first purpose-built hotels, with a design based on time; 4 towers – 4 seasons, 12 floors – the months, 52 chimneys for weeks and 365 bedrooms for the day of the year. It is a beautiful example of grand Victorian architecture and totally dominates its surroundings.’

I don't want to describe what I'm doing in too much detail in case it breaks the spell and I lose confidence in it. Fixing things with words can be a dangerous business – it creates limits around an idea, as if the word takes over control of the object and fixes it in one interpretation. I'll put some images on the blog when I'm ready, but I'm at that delicate stage in the making where if I describe it I'll start to feel insecure.

Generally feeling good about it though. Got a nice email from my officer at Arts Council England, Yorkshire, saying they've approved the changes i proposed in my interim report. She said she thinks I've 'hit my stride on this now' which I think is a great image to hold in my head.