got this in my email – hurrah!

Hello Rachel

Your work has been selected by Katy Deepwell (feminist art critic and Reader in Contemporary Art, Theory and Criticism at University of the Arts, London and editor of n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal (www.ktpress.co.uk) for the latest Curated Selection on Axis: ‘Feminist Art practices: rewind, remix and pump up volume!’. To view, please use the link below:


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I’ve just had a great conversation with Martina Mullaney, an artist who is organising a discussion on Friday:

Enemies of Good Art

Whitechapel Art Gallery – Friday 17th July 14.30

“there is no more somber enemy of good art than the pram in the hall”. Cyril Connolly, Enemies of Promise, 1938

An incidental highlight of the conversation was the discovery that like me, she is also sporting one shaved and one hairy leg this summer – I think it’s due to lack of time, not a post-feminist statement! We could have it as a secret dress code for membership of APT!


Is it important to try to avoid being labelled or pigeon holed as an artist, or is it impossible to control? If I use the words ‘feminist’ or ‘textile’ or ‘domestic’ am I alienating part of my audience, who might otherwise enjoy the work? Is this thought in itself a prejudiced attitude? If I show work in stately homes does it undermine the possibility of showing in serious galleries? Is any of this even worth thinking about?

meanwhile I keep taking photo’s of washing on lines – I particularly like bedsheets. I’ve got some good pics of red bed sheets on my phone but bluetooth won’t work so I can’t show you.


Who cares about i-phone when fantastic poster size prints of dirty dishes have arrived. I’m sticking them all over the kitchen, to compete with the real thing.

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The I-phone. Chapter two.

Failed attempt no. 5

Got all my ID, and set off in new second hand car, armed with printed experian report – status summary ‘excellent’.

Roughly 47 seconds later car ground to a halt.

Got out of car, walked back home. Unbelievably annoying.

Failed attempt no. 6

Car was easily repaired by judiscious administering of petrol into the fuel tank. Looks like the fuel gauge doesn’t work.

Drove to town, feeling quite nervous and excited. This is it! Today I get my phone! With GPS (or whatever you call it) so I won’t get lost in London tonight!

Talked to staff in the shop who said the experian report probably wasn’t the main problem in the first place. I applied for a business account, and one of the main factors is the credit status of the address. I know that the previous occupier of my house ran a businesss from the house and had debt collectors – we’ve had letters and visits from them. The house could be blacklisted for three years. I can apply again in a month if I want, but a negative response will affect my credit rating.

All I want is to give them money for a phone!

Meanwhile, 3 are desparate to keep my business and keep calling with better offers. Maybe this is the point where i give up.