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I love it when people comment on my blog! it cheers me up to think that people are interested enough to read it. (Thanks Jane – it helps to feel a bit of solidarity out there!)

I'm generally more upbeat at the moment because I have a bit more time to think about my work and feel on top of things.

I'm returning to the idea that the different roles I play as mother and artist, are in themselves an artwork. I'm thinking about all my creative activities (getting into character for the school playground conversations, recreating an organised home against the tide of mess, then shedding perceived social constructs for the studio, stripping back to the essentials – all entrenched in ritual and performative elements). In terms of relational practice I am wondering how I could document these actions better to construct an artwork.

I'm not sure where these thoughts will lead (probably back in on themselves for a while) but at least I'm Interested.

I really wish I could have some kind of tutorial with someone who knows lots of stuff. I never fully appreciated the value of that properly when I was at art college.

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