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feel I should try to say something about the last few days. I feel like I am on waltzer 24hours a day, everything is streaming together, in a jerky, not-relaxing kind of way. Overall I am happy this morning, having had a couple of hours sleep and lots of good feedback about my work. lots of things have happened and I don't know where to start. got to get family up and out of the house so I can reset the hotel room and partner can ferry children to various activities, so in a rush at moment. I can't believe what people get up to when they have 20 minutes in a hotel room – they certainly don't treat it like a gallery.

hotel very hectic, staff not very helpful, churny tummy, lifts broken, non stop conversations and dashing around, sudden snow storm so I had to abandon car and sleep at a friends, then wear all her clothes on my opening day, tired, dry mouth, nerves, excitement, thrill, strange encounters. what will I do when it's all over.