‘to be Living or growing in or beside a lake’

Portsmouth December 19th

All surfaces around me are covered in a thin layer of fine ash – almost every minute I have to wipe the slate clean with a half hearted palm enabling me to read what lays beneath. Those snappy hidden words laying in wait for biteback and calm.

Discover secrets – family secrets – where can I see the touch of ‘his hand’ – which linage does the aspergers tumble down – uninhabited peaks on frozen islands.

I treasure the differences – minimalist in nature as each memory slips away from me – ptsd dstp ptsd dtsp has a certain symmetry in its dissonant attitude.

but the colour? where has the colour come from within this work – each time I brush the ash away, pull back the sheets I find colours….grown from non existent grey – you comfortable black and white thinker.


In my head filled with fear

In the tuff filled with hot born crystal

laid down in still waters


I find traces

I find connections – joyful

I find meanings by continuing to scribe numbers and letters in printed squares in the dead of night

no drawing yet

no drawing yet

no drawing yet

they will spill when the time is right

tick tock

tick tock


