Planning is just so hard these days but I still want to look ahead to at least some time when I am actually better, so I am really pleased to now be part of the White Noise projects collective  and hope to be part of their next show in 2019.

Managed to get out into the autumn sunshine the other day.

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At an event recently I was asked if I was making work about my experience of bowel cancer “or was I not that kind of artist”? I mumbled something very vague and said whatever I was going through would probably come out in the work anyway….

Hmm, not sure really what kind of artist I am. I keep rewriting statements and then also trying to work out where the making stuff sits and then think it is all making anyway and maybe the kind of artist I am  doesn’t come from me but from the work and then I worry it is not all joined up and then I worry whether it matters anyway. So the recent short statement is “I am inspired by gardens, interested in exploring my English/Chinese heritage and I love working with paper”. Does that cover it?

Currently making Christmas cards…..and guess it fits with the above

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This piece will soon be on show in The Allotment, a lovely small restaurant owned and run by an artist friend who has just bought it. Thank you Victoria!

Meanwhile, I’ve been working on some lino reduction prints, though I am “unable” to make any of them the same. I am not sure if I need to add anything or whether they work just as they are …. that old chestnut to quote another artist friend.


Well, stuck at home mainly, avoiding infection with treatment delayed for a bit due to low white blood cell count, I have carried on working with traces: marks made while working on another piece. So one piece literally generates the start of another piece and the starting marks are to some extent random or at least spontaneous.

Then depending on all the other stuff I seem to have on the go I work into the piece thus started and the results can be surprising. Like this one, which came about as I found an old batik tjanting from my teenage days doing batik with my mother. They were some of my happiest times. I filled it (not too full) with ink which flowed continuously resulting in a very fluid line.

I worry it might be a bit decorative but then it is what came out and having a continuous line of flowing ink greatly influenced the final marks I made. And does this decorative turn matter? And why am I worrying?


Sometimes the unexpected happens. I took a friend to see some work in a small exhibition of drawings by participants in the CHALKUP21 drawing show, which includes work by me and I ended up selling her one. This brings this year’s sales to 7, which is unprecedented. Add in the fact that I have a paid commission and I am doing quite well all in all, on this measure.

Just depressing on the health front but I’ve had a good week and started some new work in the studio. I also dug these three circular prints out of my plan chest – these were an experiment in “observational prints” – in other words done on the spot. It was a really hot day in April and the slow-drying acrylics dried up pretty immediately but I got some of it onto the paper.