1. The sculptures omit sounds, rich in harmonics and musical intervals. Listening to the sounds produces a response in the brain’s neuro oscillation. The sounds slow the rhythmic activity down from gamma to alpha, benefiting you by relaxing the nervous system. A further reaction is then produced as the body’s circulation system response by decreasing your pulse rate and blood pressure.
  2. The forms of classic geometry and fractal geometry correspond to the mathematics in nature. They are seen in the shape of an Octahedron and Tetrahedron, and within the repeating patters of reflection and wood and the images of fire and water. Science has shown that the same areas of the brain that respond in a positive way to resonating sound and sound intervals, also light up when you look at geometry and fractals
  3. The stimulation of your brain when explore the aesthetics within the exhibition releases serotonin, a chemical in the body which contributes to wellbeing and happiness.
  4. An experiment conducted showed that when people are shown images of water their MRI scan indicated a decrease in cortisol (the stress hormone) production. The activity in the pituitary gland in the brain moves away from a feeling of flight or fight towards a sense of rest and relaxation.
  5. When you experience something aesthetically pleasing, beautiful in colour, texture etc, you release dopamine, one of the neuro transmitters that lifts our mood and can have a positive change to our mental health.The stimulation of your brain when explore the aesthetics within the exhibition releases serotonin, a chemical in the body which contributes to wellbeing and happiness.