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I have been pushing quite hard recently and trying to work out how to move my work forward and develop what I have being doing in essence for many years. Whilst pondering this creative conundrum I realised what was probably my problem…since leaving the confines, safety and relative structure of the academic world where self propelled learning and deadlines ensure (at least to a conscientious student) results and continued development is almost gauranteed.

My point is, since leaving the academic walls – ironically walls that symbolised freedom and then plunging back into the working world I have used drawing and art in general as an escape so I had become happy to just draw and do my thing as it were, it was my indulgence, my passion – and always – always better than work. Slowly as working life begun to twist tendrils of ownership into the threads of my life once again the professional aspirations and ambitions slowly, inpercievably slipped away. The work ethic of a professional artist mutated into simply being grateful for having this avenue of enrichment in my life still as an antidote against the poison that is a nine to five job. This is all terribly dramatic for what is essentially a problem so many people I’m sure must endure silently along side me.

Anyway, as they say knowledge is power and hindsight is a wonderful thing. In this curious situation I feel I have the strange benefits of both – to a certain point…

So whilst giving this some thought and using it a the carrot to my proverbial donkey I have started to really stretch my legs again and push out of my comfort zone…in short treat this thing, this passion, this consuming weight as work, this is the only way I feel I could fulfill any potential ambitions I have – and do you know what? It seems to be working for me right now.

Small thoughts can lead to large gains.

Thank you as always for indulging my theoretical indulgences. Pun intended.