Finally, framed postcards.

Builder peering at postcard in living room window advertising a cup of tea for sale at £100 (Shrigley).

The village green is grey, concrete.

The 73rd object, is the allotment.

Doing the same Sudoku, photocopies.



86400 clocks: one for every second of the day, each clock different by one second. The clocks should be digital, in the old fashioned sense (like they used be on train stations), mechanical and rectangular not round with hands.

Dear Martin

Thank you for submitting your proposal to Open.

We appreciate the hard work that went into your submission, and we hope that will not be too disappointed to know that on this occasion your proposal has not been shortlisted.

Due to the large number of applications we are unable to provide feedback on individual projects. In total we received over 1,500 applications and ideas from artists, and for sites across the UK.

If you would like to be kept up to date about Artangel projects and the next Open call (dates to be announced) please join the Artangel mailing list here .

Kind regards