Thank you for applying for the FLINT microfest. We received nearly 200 applications from artists across the UK, Europe and beyond.

The quality of applications was extremely strong, and I am sorry to disappoint you but on this occasion your work has not been programmed.

We are sorry but we are unable to offer individual feedback due to the large number of applications.

Despite this news which I know will be disappointing, we hope that we will see you at the FLINT microfest. Please do say hello to us if you come along.


The BID people did return and said something smarmy along the lines of “Made any money today” so I smiled and re-iterated I was giving money away.

My proposal to re-enact Steve McQueen in The Great Escape as the Cooler King throwing a baseball against the wall was rejected – too much noise interference with other performers; makes sense.

Just submitted a proposal to Cornerhouse to live/work in a plinth-like triangular sculpture for 16 days, 8 hours a day.


Dear Mr. Woods

I am interested in developing the old post office.

What would I need to do?

Martin Hamblen

Hello Mr Hamblen

Thank you for your email.

Before progressing I would need some background information on you/your company, as well as details of your track record of similar developments.

Once I have the information to hand, I think that the best way forward would be a meeting with me and my planning colleagues to discuss your proposals.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


Derek Woods

Head of Property Services

Hello Mr. Woods

My development model is based on low-rent occupancy.

For example (these are rough figures) – 100 units @ £100 per month x 12 months = £120, 000

The building has been empty since 2002, although the council have owned since 2005 (my understanding).

In ten years this model would have made 1.2 million pounds (£840, 000 since council ownership).

I am aware the council are trying to do something but in the meantime my low-rent occupancy model is a means of making some money.

I look forward to meeting you and your planning colleagues to discuss my proposals.

Thank you

Martin Hamblen

Hello Mr Hamblen

Thank you for your email. I understand the model, but there are a number of complicating factors.

The first and foremost is that the building requires substantial works in order to make it fit for occupation, even for a low cost model. The investment required is substantially more than the 10 year return you have calculated. We do not have the money for this investment.

The second factor is the building was purchased with NWDA money, and certain remain restrictions. If we bring even part back into use then we are required to repay the whole of the property’s value. We therefore need to find someone who is willing to purchase the whole from the outset. We would only sell if we can be certain that the purchaser would commence a substantial scheme of investment.

For these reasons I would ask again for details of your experience in dealing with similar developments before arranging a meeting.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


Derek Woods

Head of Property Services


Halfway through week of performing Un sou pour vos pensees (A penny for your thoughts) at Preston Guild 2012.

First thoughts of the day were abusive accusations (from someone whosaid they had studied art). Second thoughts from BID (business improvement district) patrollers, I don’t know what their official job title is, I didn’t see any offical badges, just uniform.

Funny though because the day before someones thoughts mentioned BID and their views on art. I’ve got a hunch they’ll be looking out for me tomorrow because the male BID “let me off” for today! They couldn’t get their heads around the giving part and the fact that you can’t move me on for begging when that’s not what I’m doing.

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Applied for Emergency to do a re-enactment of Steve McQueens performance as The Cooler King in The Great Escape; throwing baseball against wall.

Applied for Flint microfest to do mapp; asking audience to draw map of world from memory.