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Sporting League: Game 36

Novia kept up the pressure after an away win against PacificaUniverso cemented their successful return to the league by beating closest rivals Delta to all but take eighth position…Bayerns made a swift recovery against doomed Lunderbach with a three goals to nil home win…Athletico showed former Colbreck league greats Yop Lane how it’s done with a four goals to two away win…The spoils were shared in the industrial derby between relegation fodder Indentine and Zindustrious with a draw. Indentine boss: “Feel a bit aggrieved to be honest. It’s like Zindustrious came along and replicated our model and basically stole their way into the league. Where did our sponsors of twenty years go to? Where did our youth team go? I think our ex chair has a lot to answer for. We were a team on the up a few seasons back. Luckily for us, there are always swings and roundabouts. We’ve really gotta knuckle down if we’re staying in the league over the last two games.”