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Sporting League: Game 31

Tranquilayers purred through the gears as they beat Yop Lane by two goals to nil.

Sporting Radio Pundit X: ‘I think that the Yoppites tried to get a Tranquilayers far too quickly. Look, they’ve got to get some younger players in now. Forget about the race to finish in the top six. They looked shot after just twenty minutes. Someone once said that you can’t win anything with kids…well the same could be said for ageing players.’

Bayerns won by four goals to nil despite fielding a second string squad. Bayerns boss: ‘We needed people to step up to the plate I wasn’t let down thats for sure…’

Pointeso maintained their recent goal fest after putting four past Pacifica. Pointeso boss: ‘I believe that we’re gonna challenge for he title next season. I’m pleased to see that we’re also top of the recent form pile. If we can get past the eighty point mark at game thirty eight then I’ll agree that it’s been job done. OK, I accept that we’re by no means the finished article but lets judge after the last game.’