Ceramics - Page 7 of 10 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

A Museum within a Gallery

As we all finish off our works for the forthcoming exhibition at Tate Liverpool, discussions and last minute signing off of details for the next stage in Sheffield, are under way. Its been really challenging to get so many exhibitions […]

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Blog Post

Unexpected collaboration

I’m facing the awkward dilemma at the moment, of having to vandalise someone else’s work. For an exhibition in September, I was going to continue experimenting with ceramics and clay polymer,  to create a work with a Greek Theme (in […]

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Blog Post

Betty Woodman and the Liverpool Biennial

I’m currently in love with Betty Woodman ….   an artist I had never even heard of until two months ago, when I went to a briefing about the work that will be shown in the Liverpool Biennial. http://www.biennial.com/2016/exhibition/artists/betty-woodman My […]

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Makers at Menier

Tuesday 6th September – Saturday 10th September
51 Southwark Street
Tuesday – Friday 11am-6pm
Saturday 11am – 4pm

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Blog Artist

White Rock

Research trip to the Wheal Martyn Museum & the white alps of St Austell, 2016.

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Blog Post

Composing with Sound

<post by Joseph> Into the final week… I’ve been holed up in my studio for the last few weeks trying to figure out how to organise my large archive of recorded material to make the final piece(s) of work. It’s […]

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Blog Post


Post by Kay It’s been full on in the studio for weeks now. Therefore zero time for blogging! But I have been documenting the making process. It’s got to that critical time: one week to go! Can hardly believe it. […]

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Blog Post

Making the work (finally!!!)

  (post by Joseph) It’s a sad fact of an artist’s life that at least 80% of what you do to earn a living is something other than actually making work. So it is with great relief that I finally […]

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Blog Post

Crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo launches today!

We are delighted to announce that our first ever crowdfunding campaign has gone live today on indiegogo (trumpets and drum roll please…) We are offering some fantastic rewards (or “perks” as they are called) to our backers and we urge […]

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Blog Post

Doing things

Last week, while lying on the settee with a bad dose of the lurgy, I flicked through an old sketchbook, trying to kick start my brain into thinking again. There were several ideas that I’d had, but had abandoned either […]

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Blog Post

Day #31

  (Joseph) My memento mori for the trip – recorded out of the window late last night at high tide. I’ve applied a lo-cut filter to minimise the sound of the nearby harbour boats and the constant generator hum that comes from them. Goodbye Shetland […]

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