As Mr Jones begins the roller-coaster ride into the next election worrying about the ‘Mansion Tax’, I’ll try not to express contempt. As part of the large company of artists contemplating whether they can pay the next months rent for their studio, I’ll try to keep things in proportion….unlike Mr Jones…. get a smaller house mate!!

It is still all quiet on the ‘Eastern Front’ concerning  residencies and  exhibitions. However, as I thought,  every artist and his/her dog must be applying for each residency posted… just received an email from Arts-Timespan in Sutherland (that’s right in the glorious highlands of Scotland) concerning the Paradigm North Residency  (two months through the harsh northern winter).Quote: ‘We received a large number of applications and the quality of work and  ideas shared with us has been very high across the board. However, this  has meant it has taken us longer than planned to give the selection  process the necessary time and attention.’

I await three other residencies and two exhibition proposals I think!!……sometimes I forget what I have applied for… two many senior moments these days I can tell you.

Above image: new photographic work from original painting for the ‘BOUND’ series entitled ‘Bound Man’.