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To draw is to take time to pay attention to the presence of something.  This drawing is one of a series of metalpoint drawings based on photo booth portraits.

My artworks tend to focus on themes to do with memory and presence; silverpoint drawings (literally the trace of a point the metal across a prepared surface) is the perfect medium to suit my ideas.  All hand-made drawings are mediums of trace but I think metalpoint drawings emphasise this characteristic in a particularly sensitive and beautiful way.

It isn’t possible to capture the subtleties of the silverpoint medium in scans or in photographs and so I’ve taken a few photographs here from different angles to try to give some idea of how these drawings look in real life.  This piece is about the size of a sheet of A5.

These are drawings of little, otherwise unimportant, moments of a life.  Here was a point in time in which someone was present.  My drawings are a kind of souvenir of these little, lived, moments.