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So my first blog entry in over a week. I have been working mainly in various sketchbooks ambling around different ideas. I have not completed any “finished” as it were due to responsibilies outside of my practice – which in time gone by would of completely halted my work, knocked me out of routine and nothing would happen for months on end. However, now, I have learnt to recognise this and reverted straight to the sketchbook to keep things fresh, bubbling and accessible. Whilst this could be seen as a small personal victory for most – probably not even a victory; for me it is a large milestone in changing habits (brought on myself) that have strangled and stifled the production of my work over the years. This fact will forever fill me with regret over the lost years of activity. I guess I could speculate and what if until I’m blue in the face but what’s the point? It would – no it is a far better use of my time to get my head down and keep working – in whatever form that takes. Perhaps this blog helps in the form of self assertion of some sort, whatever it is – it works for me and helps me and my modest practice to keep evolving.