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Our most frequent walk is the one along the sea front. For the whole of this walk the wind farm is visable 5 or something miles out to sea. I see it every day and it makes you wonder about the future?

Are the iconic motifs of the turbines on the horizon a symbol of a sustainable future with hybrid cars, renewable energy infustructures completed, effective recycled waste management and different attitudes to conspicuous consumerism.

May be conspicuous consumerism is the cause of the credit crunch and the downturn. Is this the opportunity to rethink our attitudes to the society and communities we live in?


Is global warming and climate change a media hype. Doom to replace the cold war and the nuclear threat with. Somthing to fan the flames of worry to serve their their own ends for profit. The goverment has seen an opportunity to use Green and Eco issues as stick to beat the populus with. Make us feel bad and tax us on our guilt?